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Memphis March2021 .jpg
CedarsMount Mister Memphis
Available at Stud

Hip Score: 5/4 = 9 (March 12th, 2021)

Elbow Score: 0 (March 12th, 2021)

Haemophilia A: Normal 

DM: Clear 

PD: Clear 

MDR1: Clear

HUU: Clear 

RCND: Clear 

LAD III: Clear 

MPS VII: Clear

Coal Length: l/l (Long coat) 


Son of Cruz Control Giants May Be's Place at Rockforce (Imp. NLD) 

Grandson of Eyk vom Gevatter Teddybär (Imp. DEU). 


Memphis is a stunning black and gold long coat with very dark eye colour out of Cedarsmount Faith. He is very sociable and affectionate. He's very amenable and gets on well with other dogs.  He has been producing pups with rich pigmentation and good conformation.  






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