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CedarsMount Madeleine

Hip Score: 7/3 = 10 (November 20th, 2013)
Elbow Score: 0 (November 20th. 2013)
Maddy is a very affectionate and cheeky dark sable. She has a sound temperament, very reliable and good with other animals and children. She loves her playtime, whether that be fetch with balls and Frisbee, tug or hide and seek. 
Maddy is the retired matriarch of our family and is now leading a more leisurely life and enjoying watching our next generation grow. She is still very active but in shorter bursts as she will be 12 this year.

CedarsMount Nikita


Hip Score: 4/3 = 7 (April 27th, 2022)

Elbow Score: 0 (April 27th, 2022)

Haemophilia A: Normal 

Degenerative Myelopathy: n/DM (Carrier)

Pituitary Dwarfism: Clear

MDR1: Clear 

MPS VII: Clear

HUU: Clear

RCND: Clear

LAD III: Clear



Daughter of Kraken Von Der Osterwiese At Rockforce (Imp. DEU) and Cedarsmount Genevieve (Eve). 

Granddaughter of Shardee's Tazar At Rockforce. 


Nikita is a beautiful dark sable long coat. She has a very reliable temperament and enthusiasm for all things new. She is intelligent and very trainable; picking up new skills quickly. She has inherited the gentle, softer side that was so apparent in Angel (her grandmother). 

As Nikita is a DM carrier, she will only ever be matched with studs that are DM clear to ensure that all puppies are not genetically affected (being either DM clear or DM carriers). 


CedarsMount OurPrincess



Hip Score: 5/4 = 9 (July 6th, 2022)

Elbow Score: 0  (July 6th, 2022)

Degenerative Myelopathy: n/DM (Carrier) 

Pituitary Dwarfism: n/n (Clear) 

Hyperuricosuria: n/n (Clear) 

MDR1/Invermectin sensitivity: n/n (Clear) 


Daughter of Cedarsmount Faith and Granddaughter of Eyk vom Gevatter Teddybär (Imp. DEU).


Princess is a gorgeous dark sable long coat with a quiet gentle nature; she is very affectionate and loyal. As Princess is a DM carrier, she will only ever be matched with studs that are DM clear to ensure that all puppies are not genetically affected (being either DM clear or DM carriers). 


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